‘Bringing together persons who practice hand weaving, spinning and allied crafts’
Like-minded groups of spinners and weavers in towns throughout Melbourne, Victoria and the Murray Region affiliate with the Guild. They are part of an amazing network of enthusiastic and talented craftspeople.
Why groups affiliate with the Guild
Become part of a tangible network of people practising spinning, weaving, dyeing and other crafts such as felting, knitting.
Monthly Treadles newsletter brings info of courses, workshops, resources, exhibitions, books reviews and much more. Available to electronically to share with group’s members.
Regular newsletter with current happenings at the Guild.
We encourage affiliated groups to submit articles or events to our newsletter or Treadles.
Have an exhibition of affiliated groups work in the Guild rooms in Carlton.
Have access to the Guild Library, an excellent collection with everything from the latest knitting, weaving patterns and journals to cultural traditions, fashion, and colour with over 4500 books, magazines, DVD's .
Affiliated members are welcome to volunteer at The Guild.
Regular exhibitions of works from Affiliated groups more than 80km from Melbourne are held at the Guild. Contact the Guild for additional information info@hwsgv.org.au
Affiliated groups support the Guild in its role of teaching and maintaining high standards in spinning and weaving. These crafts have a focus in Melbourne through the Guild and its rooms in Carlton. An extensive archive of artifacts and historical material is maintained. Current work is exhibited regularly.
Becoming an Affiliated Group
As an incorporated association the Guild’s stated aim is 'to bring together persons who practise hand weaving, spinning and allied crafts.’
Our rules in relation to Groups who affiliate with us are:
Group membership is available to persons who wish to come together for the purposes of advancing their knowledge and skill in weaving and spinning and allied crafts.
The Group will affiliate with the Guild by paying the Group Subscription set by the Guild for the current year, plus any joining fee. This will entitle the Group to a copy of the newsletter and use of the library by a Group representative.’
A group wishing to affiliate with the Guild should contact the Guild office by email or letter.
The group may be incorporated under Consumer Affairs Victoria: Clubs and Not for Profits or may be an informal group meeting in a members home or under the umbrella of a local entity such as a library or community house.
The Guild’s indemnity insurance does not cover Affiliates, however a favourable rate is on offer to affiliates by our insurer, please contact the Guild for details.
Membership fee for Affiliated Groups; $70 per year
Membership renewal is now online via the website.
Secure payment is via PayPal [ a credit card can be used without joining PayPal ]
We encourage the Affiliated groups to join online via the website as it has the added benefit of becoming a member of the website.
The website sign up form will require the name of the secretary or best contact person plus the name of your group. The newsletter will be sent to the email submitted in the log in form.