Sarah Tomlinson
Committee Member
My name is Sarah Tomlinson. I am an Occupational Therapist who works in management at Deakin University. I live in Torquay. I have been a spinner since 1983 when we were taught to spin in High School. My mates hated it, but I found a lifelong passion. I knit and crochet and have done a bit of tapestry and cross stitch over the years.
In 2020 I bought a rigid heddle loom. I have now descended right down the weaving rabbit hole and have a 16 shaft compudobby loom.
I've been a member of the Guild since 2019. I regularly attend Experimental Spinners and am a less frequent attendee at Weaving Matters. I have also recently joined the Weave Study Group with Karen Gunn.
Please introduce yourself to me if you see me at the Guild. Myself and the other committee members are here to serve you and we can only do that if we know what you want from our Guild. I encourage you to help out in the Guild in whatever way you are able so that the load is shared. Many hands make light work.